Share profitability
We strive to achieve the highest dividend yields and FFO in our peer group. Our strategy: We place a priority on shareholder returns on a per share basis, above the company’s growth in absolute terms. For the 2022 financial year, we have announced that we will suspend the dividend payment for the first time since 2016 to further strengthen our capital and financing base As soon as the capital and investment markets have returned to normal, we plan to resume our dividend payments and return to the previous distribution policy of 75% of FFO I.
Clear capital discipline
In some segments and regions, sale price levels have been reached that in our view no longer make long-term oriented inventory management consistent with capital costs. Therefore, we are currently investigating the possibility of some sales in these regions.
Market leadership
Uncover trends. Discover yield opportunities early. In northern and eastern Germany, TAG ranks among the market leaders. As one of the first residential real estate companies, TAG implemented the "ABBA" approach, which means: concentration and investment in A-locations in B-cities or in B-locations in A-cities. In this way, we have created attractive, profitable and affordable housing.
Effective, streamlined organization
With the management and development of our holdings, we operate with flat hierarchies and a regionally decentralized organisational structure. Locally, our competent teams ensure that vacancy rates fall and net rents rise.
Social responsibility as a competitive advantage
Without sustainability, a future-oriented housing industry is unthinkable. Thus TAG aligns its corporate policies not only with economic, but also with ecological and social factors. However, it first takes economic returns to create the conditions for social commitment.